Mr. Ammar Foufou holds a doctorate in rural development and spatial planning. He is a professor at the University of 20 August 1955-Skikda, Director of the Laboratory for the Optimization of Agricultural Production in Subhumid Zones at the University of 20 August 1955-Skikda, and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Agronomy Department . In 2009, he wrote his doctoral thesis on the peasan management of natural resources in the lower Sahara defended at Montpellier3 Unibersity. He is chairman of the PRFU University Research Project on the acclimatisation of exotic fruit trees in Algeria in 2020 and chairman of the PRFU project on the prospects for the development of mountain agriculture in the Wilaya of Skikda (eastern Algeria) from 2016 to 2020. He is an elected member of the scientific council of the University 20 August 1955-Skikda. He is also a reviewer for the journals social studies and agriculture at the Université Farhat Abbes de Sétif in Algeria. He has published a number of scientific articles in national and international journals and has taken part in national and international conferences since becoming a lecturer at the University 20 August 1955-Skikda. He chaired 05 national seminars on sustainable agriculture and the environment from 2010 to 2022. He has been appointed expert to the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) on wetlands in 2014.
Research Fields
Current Institution
Dec, 2010 - Current |Professor
Department of Agronomy, 20 August 1955 University of Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Feb, 2020 - Current |Director
Agronomy, Laboratory for the optimization of agricultural production in subhumid zones, Skikda, Algeria
2019 - Current |Professor
Université 20 août 1955-Skikda, Laboratoire Pour l'Optimisation de la Production Agricole en Zones Subhumides, Skikda, Algeria
Education Qualification
Dec, 2003 - Jul, 2009 |Doctorate
Aménagement du territoire, Université de Montpllier, Montpellier, France
Oct, 2003 - Jul, 2009 |Doctorate
Aménagement rural, Montpellier 3, Montpellier, France
Sep, 2000 - Jul, 2003 |Master
Agronomie, Institut Agronomique méditerran&en de Montpllier IAMM, Montpellier, France
Sep, 1994 - Jul, 2000
Agronomie, Institut National supérieur en Agronomie, Ouargla, Algeria
Previous Work Experience
Jul, 2011 - Jul, 2017 |Lecturer
agronomie, Université 20 août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
May, 2010 - Jun, 2014 |Director
Agronomie, 20 août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Jan, 2009 - Jan, 2011 |Assistant Professor
Université 20 août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Journal Roles
Publications (13)
Social Links
Record last modified Jul. 20, 2024, 07:14:42 AM UTC