Dr. Alessandro Leme

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology, Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, BrazilPrimary Institution


has a Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of São Carlos (2000) and MA in Social Sciences (area of concentration: Social Relations, Power, and Culture) at the Federal University of São Carlos (2002). Fellow was Professor of Political Science Department, State University of Campinas from 2003 to 2006 and professor at PUC-Campinas in the first half of 2007. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science at UNICAMP. Did Postdoctoral Program in Graduate in Social Sciences at UNICAMP in the area of sociology of development. He is currently Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Professor of the Graduate in Social Sciences Faculty of Arts, Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Uberlândia.Tem experience in Sociology and Political Science, with emphasis in Sociology Political Sociology and Development acting on the following topics: the state reforms, privatization, state transformation and restructuring of the electricity sector, strategies for development and culture and socio-political thought in Brazil.

Current Institution

Primary Institution

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology, Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil

Journal Roles

Editorial Board Member

Social Sciences

Mar, 2025 - Current

Record last modified Jan. 27, 2025, 04:44:02 PM UTC

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