Dr. Vera Hadji-Pulja


Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development Institute, University American College Skopje, Skopje, North MacedoniaPrimary Institution


Having obtained my Bachelor’s and my Master’s degree in philosophy at various European universities – University of Strasbourg (France), Charles University (Czech Republic) and UCLouvain (Belgium) – I went on to work as an English and French instructor at Berlitz and Lingua Academiae language schools (Macedonia). I then joined the department of philosophy at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (Macedonia), where I have taught, among other subjects, ontology, theory of knowledge and epistemology. At the same time, I began pursuing a PhD in phenomenological philosophy at Sorbonne University (France), which I have since completed. After having spent 7 years at the university, I worked for one year on a scientific project on the phenomenology of pain, financed by the Biomedical Humanities Initiative of Sorbonne University. I currently work as a researcher at The Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development Institute (ELDI) of University American College Skopje (UACS), where I am pursuing scientific projects at the intersection of phenomenology, empirical psychology and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in collaboration with several researchers from Nantes University (France). Languages: Macedonian, English and French (native language level); German (B1 level, C1 in a phenomenological context); Ancient Greek (A2 level)

Research Fields

Early German phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger, Fink)
Phenomenology of perception
Phenomenology of "modified" perception (medical conditions; drug use)
Phenomenology and new technologies (such as virtual reality)
Phenomenology and the empirical sciences (qualitative/quantitative)

Current Institution

Primary Institution


Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development Institute, University American College Skopje, Skopje, North Macedonia

Education Qualification

Dec, 2016 - Mar, 2023 |Doctorate

Philosophy, Sorbonne University, Paris, France

Feb, 2010 - Jun, 2011 |Master

Philosophy, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Sep, 2009 - Feb, 2010 |Master

Philosophy, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Sep, 2006 - Jun, 2009 |Bachelor

Philosophy, University of Strasbourg (France), Strasbourg, France

Previous Work Experience

Sep, 2022 - |Researcher

Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development Institute (ELDI), University American College Skopje (UACS), Skopje, North Macedonia

Sep, 2021 - Sep, 2022 |Research Associate

Sorbonne University, Paris, France

Sep, 2013 - Jan, 2020 |Lecturer

Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Skopje, North Macedonia

Journal Roles


Social Sciences

Jul, 2024 - Current

Publications (7)

Journal Article
Husserlian phenomenology of limit-problems: a “‘geometry’ of lived experience”?
Journal Title: Human Studies
Publication Date: 2023
Conference Article
Analogia entis. За смислата на еден генитив
Conference Title: Меѓународен симпозиум „Логос и тропос“
Publication Date: 2020
Conference Article
Единството на душата и на телото. Ненадминатите решенија на Новиот Век
Conference Title: Втора меѓународна научна конференција „За Душата“
Publication Date: 2019
Journal Article
Македонскиот јазик не е сиромав, тој е глаголски
Journal Title: Славистички студии
Publication Date: 2017
Journal Article
За гревот, тишината и другоста
Journal Title: Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет
Publication Date: 2016
Conference Article
La coopération franco-macédonienne en sciences sociales et humanités
Conference Title: La coopération franco-macédonienne et inter-académique dans l’esprit de nouveaux défis de la Francophonie
Publication Date: 2016
Journal Article
La simulation globale dans la révolution numérique
Journal Title: Synergies Turquie
Publication Date: 2016

Honors and Awards

Wolfe Mays Essay Prize 2022-2023

Awarded Dec, 2023

Awarded by British Society for Phenomenology (BSP) and Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (JBSP)

Society Memberships

Mar, 2023 - Current

Central and East European Society for Phenomenology (CEESP)

Board representative from Macedonia

Jan, 2015 - Current

Philosophical Society of Macedonia


Record last modified Jul. 05, 2024, 09:41:08 PM UTC

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